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E-friends forum

Hello! I'm Naila and I'm twelve years old. I live in Vallfogona de Balaguer, Lleida. I would like an e-friend to help me practise English and live an experience. I get up early the days of school, aproximate at 7.15 a.m. After school I go home and I have lunch. Then I go out to the street or I watch the TV. I love sports and play with my friends. I play basketball and I practise gymnastics.


I'm Naila and this is the bedroom of my dreams! This bedroom is very big and the roof is very tall, there are three windows. The color of the walls is white with pictures of flowers and my name. There are fantastic views to the beach. There is a double bed, a very big wardrobe, a desk. a very big TV in the wall, a very large sofa in one window of the bedroom and a bathroom. My favorite things in the room are the views to the beach, the double bed, my very big wardrobe and the TV.


Naila Blanch Riasol I'm Naila,I from Catalonia. I have got one sister and one brother. My sister Ivet is the biggest,my brother Albert is the medium and I'm the smallest. My school is in Balaguer. School starts at  8:15 a.m. We've got six lessons every day. We go home at 2:35 p.m. Lunch is from 3:10 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. My favorite subjects are English and maths.